The simplest way to depict rich text is via Markdown format.
- Any further reductionism from Markdown text creates plaintext files.
Most markdown files are saved as “.md” extension, but the syntax is often enabled by default within many web-based text editors.
Heading 1: #
Heading 2: ##
Heading 3: ###
- block quote
[hyperlink]( → an HTML hyperlink
 → an HTML img with title and alt text
* list item A * list item B * list item C becomes:
- list item A
- list item B
- list item C
(lists can also be numbered with 1. list item A 2. list item B etc.)
‘code block’ becomes:
code block
NOTE: code blocks are only useful for writing if you’re tech-savvy or when you want someone to copy-paste the content.
If you ever want to have the software ignore markdown on a given line, use the \ character.