NOTE: I’m not a journalist, and my citations are neither exhaustive nor comprehensive. The infractions go back farther than I’m writing here, and they will go farther into the future than I’ll ever write. This is just to show the scope within a window of time as someone in the “biz” about what I’ve run across, and for brevity’s sake I cut off the news at the end of 2023.
Hackers aren’t the only groups that individual users should be concerned about. Large organizations have tremendous information power.
Since the beginning of the American Military-Industrial Complex focusing on decrypting German submarines in World War II, the complexity of computers has meant there have always been huge, monolithic organizations that design most of the software/hardware. Then, a horde of various smaller public and private organizations design smaller things around it or create open-source alternatives:
- In the 1960s, everyone called the big players “Big Blue and the Seven Dwarves”, with the computer industry run by 8 companies:
- IBM (“Big Blue”)
- Burroughs (which eventually renamed to Unisys)
- Sperry-Rand (which merged its computer-based operations with Unisys in the 1980s)
- Control Data (which split up and part of it becoming Ceridian)
- Honeywell (which suffered many strange changes of ownership and is no longer in the general-purpose computer business)
- General Electric (which sold its computer-based business to Honeywell)
- RCA (who got out of computers altogether and focused strictly on radio technology)
- NCR (which was bought out by AT&T and then spun off again)
- In the 1970s, the government broke up AT&T in an antitrust lawsuit. A few years later, Microsoft signed a non-exclusive contract with IBM and happened to sit in that power vacuum. As the company gained control, he continued to use fierce monopolistic tactics to drive out or absorb competitors, and Microsoft practically owned the market through the 1990s and 2000s. They practically destroyed the shareware industry in the process, and most Microsoft Windows features that most users take for granted were blatantly copied from third-party utilities. Microsoft famously had to pay Apple $150 million for stealing code for Apple’s QuickTime.
- During the dot-com boom in the 1990s, computers shifted to becoming internet-centric, and a few tech companies rose to the top in their respective specializations once mobile devices became ubiquitous. in the mid-1990’s, Microsoft almost entirely used Internet Explorer 6 to turn the internet into a Microsoft-themed walled garden.
- After the dot-com crash, FAANG emerged after a decade: Facebook/Meta, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, and Google/Alphabet, but other companies like Tencent (owned by China) and Microsoft still fit into it as well.
- Given the tremendous power that comes from all the data extraction, governments can often fit into this as well, so this issue isn’t strictly a matter of corporate power.
- Lately, the acronym is more accurately Facebook/Apple/Microsoft/Amazon/Government, or FAMAG.
- Most recently, in the 2020s, there has been significant public attention toward privacy, and new AI technology in the 2020s has been released on an open-source license, so corporations have been scrambling to find ways to profit while also not losing customers.
The largest difference between the computers of today and of decades ago (besides processing speed) comes in how networked they all are. Up to the internet becoming popular, computers were stand-alone, so the information couldn’t be used as quickly, and often required physically inserting a disk into the computer. Now, the computers are all linked together, communicating exponentially more information, and constantly.
The story with Microsoft isn’t entirely over, either. There was irrefutable evidence in 1998 that Microsoft was suppressing competition with a Court’s Findings of Fact in 1999 and a full-on antitrust case in 2001, but the company was never formally broken up. To this day, they’re still trying to affect the open-source industry adversely with things like walling off the Hot Reload feature in non-proprietary versions of .NET as of 2021.
Most of the power of huge private organizations comes through a few harmonizing realities:
- The invention of the corporation over a century ago, which is a legally living thing that never technically dies and can hold assets forever for tax reasons.
- These corporations have accrued tons of power, often before anyone presently alive was born.
- The business entities gain ever-more power through many, many mergers and acquisitions (e.g., 2021-08 AT&T presently owns many, many entities, Facebook/Meta presently owns Instagram and WhatsApp).
This is ongoing while antitrust litigation interprets favorably to allow large corporations to continuously merge and acquire without regulation. Many of them are now as powerful as small countries.
Generally, gigantic all-powerful industry players persist in the USA because the definition has loosely been defined as acting against smaller competitors.
As long as the organizations have competition with other organizations, there aren’t any issues. Any government oversight needs contrasting oversight of those oversight-holders (i.e., “Who will watch the watchers?”).
In practice, the only thing a government can do is stop or break up monopolies. Further litigation can create crony capitalism by preventing other new startups to enter that domain.
In technology industries specifically, antitrust litigation is more difficult than normal because the definition of “monopoly” is very difficult to pin down, even if you simply say “over X% control of an industry”:
- Google, for example, does not consider themselves a monopoly because they define their industry as the information market, and they certainly don’t own more than 5% of all human information.
- With the right angle, entire industries are difficult to clarify. Even if Amazon controls 90% of all web servers, is it a monopoly when someone else can theoretically spin up their own?
- More specialized technology means more capacity to gain complete dominance. For example, in a classical sense most social media is a feed-based database, with granted permissions being defined as following/subscribing/friends.
A few examples of the results of this power consolidation:
- 2020-10 Most internet providers are exempted from discussions about tech antitrust issues.
- 2021-07 1 in 153 employees in the USA works for Amazon.
- 2021-10 Intuit, the creator of TurboTax, has been politically fighting free, easy tax filing in the USA, including California’s attempts to spearhead the concept.
- 2020-09 Four gargantuan publishers have filed a lawsuit against the Internet Archive for lending books out for free, mostly because they haven’t been using Controlled Digital Lending.
- 2022-04 Six media companies own everything on television.
- 2022-08 Amazon is acquiring iRobot, the maker of the Roomba vacuum cleaner, for about $1.7 billion.
- 2022-09 Citrix acquired and merged with TIBCO for $16.5 billion.
- 2022-09 Adobe has acquired Figma for $20 billion.
- 2022-11 Evernote was acquired by Bending Spoons.
- 2023-09 Cisco has acquired Splunk.
- 2023-10 Microsoft has acquired Activision-Blizzard.
- 2023-11 VMware is now part of Broadcom.
Very often, apps/programs have built-in features that collect information the user isn’t aware of:
- “Trackers” designed to collect specific targeted data (e.g., geographical location, phone call length).
- Elevated “permissions” about pretty much anything (recording video, writing to external storage, etc.).
While much of the collected data is necessary for debugging, the organization collecting it can abuse it, especially if the user doesn’t conform to the same social/political views as that app’s organization.
Generally, the larger and more powerful the organization and the more features the software has, the more trackers and permissions it’ll ask for. Unfortunately, many operating systems design software permissions as opt-in with no timeout, so that one time you use a voice recording feature may mean the organization will track everything you say for the functional life of the device.
Most countries around the world have their systems to monitor everyone’s activities, and they can often use that information in their governance:
- Multiple
- Many governments (such as the Israeli police) have plenty of spying tools through military spyware company NSO Group’s Pegasus that allow people to easily see individuals’ devices.
- 2020-10 Denmark partnered with the USA’s NSA to use their XKEYSCORE software to tap cables.
- 2021-06 Google installed the Massachusetts’ health notifications app automatically to users’ phones without their consent.
- 2021-07 Hungarian journalists and opponents of Victor Orban have been targeted by the Israeli cyber weapon Pegasus.
- 2022-05 The EU claims it’s protecting children, but prefers to cross individuals’ privacy, and have a mass surveillance plan established.
- 2022-07 Google and Amazon will share user information without a police warrant.
- 2023-05 The FBI and “threat intelligence” firms create fake online personas to watch Discord, Reddit, and WhatsApp.
- 2023-06 The United Nations wants to synchronize digital identification across nations.
- 2023-10 Lockheed can track GPS devices from satellite data.
- 2023-12 Multiple governments use Apple and Google push notifications to spy on users.
- 2023-12 Every major pharmacy chain gives the government warrantless access to medical records.
- US
- A key aspect of the history of encryption, the Enigma machine, is the basis for the first major surveillance by the USA.
- 2013-09 The NSA staff will spy on ex-lovers and spouses with the information they’ve gathered.
- In 2020, US citizens were given “COVID decree scores” during the first few months of the COVID-19 lockdown.
- 2022-02 The CIA has been collecting tons of individual citizens’ private information, and it’s unclear how much they have.
- 2022-09 Law enforcement’s Fog Reveal tool may violate the 4th Amendment of the US Constitution.
- 2022-09 US border forces take Americans’ phone data and hold it for 15 years.
- 2022-10 The Department of Homeland Security has had a strong agenda to influence tech companies to police disinformation.
- 2022-12 Chaos Computer Club discovered the US military used vast quantities of biometric measurements to capture people in Afghanistan.
- 2023-03 The Secret Service and ICE frequently use fake phone towers in violation of the US Constitution.
- 2023-05 The FBI has misused their surveillance data over 280,000 times between 2020 and early 2021.
- 2023-06 The government of the US has been stockpiling a “large amount” of “sensitive and intimate information” on its citizens.
- 2023-07 The FBI misused Section 702 to surveil several public officials.
- 2023-11 The FBI director has openly admitted they rarely have probable cause when searching NSA’s archives.
- China
- China often gathers enough data that they can often detect political opposition (which includes religious persecution) before people have even discussed their opinions with others. They also have the most powerful content tracking system in the world as of 2021.
- 2020-05 Xiaomi’s built-in browsers are essentially spyware.
- 2021-07 Tencent is introducing facial recognition to detect minors who try to play video games at night.
- 2022-01 Some Chinese hardware comes with malware pre-installed.
- 2022-06 TikTok quietly updated its privacy policy to collect face prints and voiceprints.
- 2023-12 TikTok’s platform anomalies align with the CCP’s objectives.
- Australia
- EU
- 2022-01 The EU wants to create its own DNS resolver, which would allow it to see where everyone goes on the internet and filter out sites it doesn’t approve of.
- 2023-10 The European Commission is pushing to conduct mass surveillance on all EU citizens through digital communication apps, largely through the European Commissioner’s involvement with NGOs.
- UK
- Netherlands
- 2022-09 Dutch intelligence has moved its oversight approval system from before surveillance to mid- or post-surveillance.
- 2023-06 The Dutch government is proposing to add an extension to its intelligence and security services powers.
- 2023-08 A legislative proposal will make all Dutch transactions surpassing €3000 in cash against the law.
- France
- Iran
- Serbia
- Turkey
This isn’t always without merit. For example, the battle for intel is why the US and China fight over naval dominance over undersea network cables.
As time goes on and technologies improve, it becomes increasingly trivial for large organizations to surveil the masses, such as through Wi-Fi.
One of the best ways to stay private is using end-to-end encryption, which means only the sender and intended recipient can see the content. This means anyone who intercepts or holds it (e.g., the company that holds the cloud storage, a government official) won’t be able to see what it is. Many entities don’t like this:
- US Government
- 2019-10 Attorney General William Barr sent a letter saying Facebook shouldn’t implement E2E.
- 2021-07 European Parliament passed ePrivacy Derogation, which enables providers the ability to search individuals’ private messages and report them to the police.
- 2021-01 The FBI is legally allowed to gain a lot of private messaging data without a warrant, and regularly takes personal data from mobile phone providers.
- 2021-10 The US government is secretly issuing “keyword warrants” for individuals’ user data.
- 2022-06 The EARN-IT act threatens user encryption, which would affect everyone. It also won’t resolve the issues it promises to fix.
- 2023-03 The RESTRICT act can ban TikTok, but can also be used to ban many other privacy-enhancing services, such as VPNs.
- 2023-07 A proposed Senate bill crafted with the DEA’s help is targeting end-to-end encryption by requiring companies to report drug activity.
- European Government
- 2021-09 ProtonMail used E2E, but also had the IP address available to comply with the Swiss government’s request, though they won an appeal that an email provider isn’t a “telecommunications provider” and don’t have to hold on to user data as a result.
- 2021-11 As of July 6, the EU is now letting providers automatically search all private chats, messages, and emails generally and indiscriminately for anything related to child pornography.
- 2022-03 The EU will require Apple to completely open up iMessage for other services to use it.
- 2022-05 Britain’s Online Safety Bill will terminate end-to-end encryption to clamp down on a vast variety of free speech, and it was passed 4 months later.
- 2023-03 The European Commission’s Chat Control Bill will remove end-to-end encryption, though they claim it won’t.
- Australia
- China
- Non-Government
- 2021-08 To combat “child exploitation”, Apple is scanning all photos in iCloud and iMessage, and their system is very dangerous to where thousands of people are concerned about it. This is especially egregious considering how they signaled their anti-tracking measures a few months prior.
- 2021-12 Many companies use spyware services like Drata to arbitrarily surveil employees.
There’s plenty of reason for governments to rally support for their cause, so they’ll distort the truth and shut down E2E as much as they can:
- 2023-04 There are clear attempts by the US and UK to steer public opinion against encryption.
- 2023-05 India has banned Element, a client for the decentralized Matrix network, along with 13 other messaging apps.
- 2023-06 The French government has declared that users of most privacy software are potential terrorists.
- 2023-08 A new UK surveillance law may break international law.
This is a battle worth fighting for, which is why some groups like Signal and Matrix won’t back down on it.
Tons of User Data
Large organizations can track tons of seemingly unimportant user information. Depending on the organization, this gives them a tremendous amount of power over individuals’ lives.
Even when an organization doesn’t have your name, they will often attach an ID to you. That ID can contain a “shadow profile”, which can include all sorts of seemingly private information such as your personal preferences, lifestyle patterns, and political views.
The easiest way to do this (though it’s becoming harder) is through small files called “cookies”. While most of them can be benign (e.g., you don’t have to re-enter your password every time you go there) some work across websites and can record anonymized user data of where you went.
Private organizations can often customize an algorithm to created personalized targeted advertising by cross-referencing your interests to find other interests that people like you have liked. Simply permitting an app to access your contacts is enough for them to create a social graph of you and everyone you know.
Those systems can be terrifyingly accurate across millions of people, and with a surprisingly small amount of information. They can essentially tailor behaviors to 3–5 people they know who are just like you, then provide a precisely tailored marketing experience that works to their best interests.
There is a multi-billion dollar industry for this user data, so the allure to sell it is too much for most companies to turn down:
- Government
- 2021-04 The US government believes they have the right to search the laptop or phone of anyone crossing its borders.
- 2021-10 California is asking Signal for user data that Signal does not have.
- 2021-11 The US Treasury is buying private app data for targeting and investigations.
- 2022-01 The IRS will soon require facial recognition photos for online access, but has ditched the requirement.
- 2022-06 Norway will track all its supermarket purchases.
- 2022-07 The US government regularly pays Venntel and Babel Street for tremendous amounts of aggregated cell phone location data.
- 2023-03 The FBI pays tens of thousands of dollars for internet data.
- 2023-03 The US government can use the third-party doctrine to take data without a warrant from a third-party security firm.
- 2023-05 The Python Package Index (PyPI) was subpoenaed quite at least 3 times by the US Department of Justice.
- Multiple
- 2022-05 Muting your microphone without unplugging it doesn’t stop tech companies from listening in and tracking what you do with machine learning.
- 2022-06 Employers have been using Microsoft Office 365 to spy on their employees without their consent.
- 2022-08 Employers often install “bossware” to track their employees.
- 2023-04 Apple’s iOS lets mobile carriers add Wi-Fi networks the users aren’t aware of.
- 2023-05 About 50 organizations manage and censor information collaboratively.
- 2023-10 Mastercard sells data to many entities.
- 2023-11 The US government pays AT&T to search their phone records, often without a warrant.
- Facebook/Meta
- Facebook has a legendary reputation for doing whatever it can to maintain users’ attention. They make money from advertising revenue, as well as by selling relevant user data to advertisers.
- 2017-11 Facebook supported a US government bill that would make life more difficult for smaller websites.
- 2021-05 Facebook’s targeted advertising is creepily specific.
- 2021-03 Facebook’s default setting for third-party integrations with developers will scan all the files in any system connected to it.
- 2021-10 Facebook is researching augmented reality glasses that will monitor everything someone will do.
- 2022-06 Swedish Radio made a fake pharmacy on Facebook and found out that Facebook still holds on to sensitive user data even though they say they don’t.
- 2022-08 Instagram’s and Facebook’s iOS app can track anything you do through their in-app browser.
- 2022-09 Facebook banned a film about the Holocaust for violating its race policy.
- 2023-07 Meta has received enormous amounts of taxpayer data from three income tax prep firms.
- Amazon
- 2021-06 Amazon gave users 1 week to opt out before they made all Amazon Echo speakers and Ring security cameras part of a connected network.
- 2021-07 Even after a factory reset, Amazon Echo Dot never deletes user data.
- 2021-09 Amazon’s Astro robot tracks everything.
- 2023-03 Amazon made $40 billion on “advertising” income in 2022.
- Apple
- 2021-08 Apple requires their employees to merge their personal and work accounts.
- 2021-09 Even when you power it off, Apple devices move into a low-power mode with certain elements of networking enabled.
- 2021-04 Apple made an exception for their apps in their ecosystem.
- 2021-03 While Apple collects less data overall, it collects more types of data from each individual user.
- 2020-01 Apple logs every app a user runs over an unencrypted connection.
- Google/Alphabet
- 2020-08 Google may be trying to corner the market on machine learning.
- 2020-12 Google has asymmetric data control regarding web crawling.
- 2021-03 Google collects 20 times more data remotely from Android OS than Apple from iOS.
- 2021-05 Google has made it nearly impossible for users to keep their location private.
- As of 2021, Google’s Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC) is an alternative to the third-party cookie, and it’s a major cybersecurity concern because the Chrome browser compiles your data into a behavioral profile (with several thousand others) for targeted advertising. Many, many other tech organizations have been blocking it because it’s an unstoppable feature of Google Chrome, and even web developers without Chrome have to be wary of it. However, Google has now abandoned it in lieu of an API.
- 2021-02 Google’s search results are geared toward advertising-based interests.
- 2021-03 2/3 of Google searches ended without a click in 2020.
- 2021-04 Google promised their COVID contact tracing app data was private, but it isn’t.
- 2021-08 A glitch shows that Google is scraping and caching Gmail emails without user intervention, and this is a continuing issue.
- 2021-09 Google has removed cookie and site data controls, critically important settings for browser privacy.
- 2021-10 Android OS is sending significant amounts of user data.
- 2021-12 is likely malware that accesses the camera and microphone through the web browser.
- 2022-03 Google Soli Radar can see your body’s orientation and the physical actions you’re performing at that moment.
- 2022-06 Google no longer lists the required privacy settings for Google Play Store apps anymore.
- Academia
- 2021-05 60% of school apps are sharing user data to unknown recipients.
- 2021-02 Eproctoring is highly invasive and biased, and online exam software like ProctorU and Respondus are highly invasive spyware.
- ByteDance
- 2022-02 TikTok is sharing more data than any other social media company, and the public doesn’t know where it goes.
- 2022-03 Tracking pixels show up in other non-TikTok websites, such as UberEats.
- 2022-09 Even if you don’t use the app, TikTok still tracks you across the internet.
- 2022-12 ByteDance confirms TikTok employees spied on journalists to track their movements.
- Microsoft
- 2022-10 Microsoft receives information directly from PowerPoint slides.
- 2023-02 Windows 11 tracks tremendous amounts of user data as soon as it boots.
- 2023-04 Microsoft leaks Edge browser data to Bing search.
- 2023-06 Microsoft Edge sends photos to Microsoft automatically for AI-enhanced “super resolution”.
- Other companies often can’t resist themselves either:
- Avast (the antivirus company) is tracking users’ entire web history as of 2020.
- 2020-02 Wacom drawing tablets send application data to Google for the entire laptop they’re connected to.
- 2020-10 Dropbox telemetry can’t be disabled.
- 2021-02 Disqus is a comment system that injects third-party trackers and sells visitors’ data.
- 2021-08 Twitter has started requiring a login to view tweets.
- 2021-08 Zoom gathers information about all the processes on users’ computers and sometimes uses the microphone when not in a meeting.
- 2021-11 Vizio makes more money on user data from TV owners than the TVs themselves.
- 2022-02 Grammarly tracks everything you type.
- 2022-02 Samsung doesn’t hide at all that they track your data.
- 2022-06 Tim Hortons collected ‘vast amounts’ of sensitive location data.
- 2022-07 TeamViewer installs a suspicious font that’s only useful for web fingerprinting.
- 2022-07 Unity has acquired a company that created a malware installer.
- 2023-04 Tesla workers shared images from car cameras, including “scenes of intimacy”.
- 2023-05 Some Bluetooth enabled battery monitors collect GPS data for absolutely no explainable reason.
- 2023-09 Every major automotive brand’s new internet-connected models have failed on Mozilla’s privacy and security tests.
- 2023-09 Many mobile apps illegally share user data without the users’ consent.
- 2023-09 Philips Hue will soon force users to login into an account to control their lighting.
- 2023-10 GSK will pay $20 million to access DNA data from 23andMe.
This data tracking often forms into a synergistic relationship:
- 2022-05 Apoteket, a Swedish government-run pharmacy, sends private user data to Facebook.
- 2022-06 Kry, a Swedish healthcare company, sends private doctor and patient data to Facebook.
- 2022-07 Google Let Sberbank-Owned RuTarget Harvest User Data for Months.
- 2022-07 Police can Google Nest data without a warrant.
- 2022-07 Police can access Amazon Ring data without a warrant, which Amazon openly admits and has been a prevalent issue for at least months.
However, they don’t want you observing them doing it:
- 2021-05 Facebook doesn’t want targeted advertisements that display the information that directs those targeted advertisements.
- 2023-01 The Interactive Advertising Bureau tracks users all day, but doesn’t like users taking steps to observe it.
Data Mining
Occasionally, an organization will abuse private individuals’ trust by using their computers’ resources without permission for their use. The most profitable purpose for this is cryptocurrency mining by running the CPU at full speed even when the user isn’t using their computer, though AI can also function for that purpose:
- 2015-03 uTorrent has silently been installing Bitcoin mining software with its torrent downloader.
- 2021-12 Norton is installing Norton Crypto with its antivirus software, a crypto miner.
- 2022-06 NVIDIA inadequately disclosed that it makes a large amount of profit from crypto mining.
AI Training
Microsoft has found another alternative use of user data through GitHub Copilot since 2021. By funneling all the code stored in its Git libraries, it regurgitates that code through an AI algorithm (often copyright-protected or GPL) then charges for the service. It violates copyright and intellectual property law proportionally to how much AI-generated content inspired by copyrighted works is lawful.
- 2021-07 The source code for the licensed video game Quake was fully copied, including the swearing in the comments.
- 2022-10 This developer’s database code was directly cloned.
However, the code isn’t strictly pulling and reusing the information, and there is at least some curation involved:
Microsoft isn’t finished, and will try to expand their services:
- 2023-03 GitHub Copilot will introduce a natural language AI conversation chatbot, as well as a few other projects like voice chat, technical documentation, pull requests, and shell commands.
Other groups are keeping their options open for AI training as well:
- 2023-08 Zoom’s terms of service now permit them to use the data for AI training, with no opt-out.
- 2023-09 X/Twitter’s Terms of Service now permit them to use its posts for AI training.
It’s worth noting that machine learning can provide a whole new plethora of tools to stifle free speech.
Powerful organizations don’t like a few things:
- Threats to that organization’s power (or that organization’s partners’ power).
- Differing political views that may work against the desires of that organization.
If you trust large organizations on the presumption that “larger is more secure”, don’t be surprised when you face tremendous banning/blocking/silencing. They’ll very frequently create horrifying bureaucratic automated systems to enforce those policies, where there’s little to no chance for individuals to question or appeal their unique situation without public defamation on social media:
- Multiple
- 2021-01 Twitter has suspended Sci-Hub’s Twitter account, and in 2022 the US government has gotten access to its founder’s Apple account.
- 2021-06 Google has taken down Xinjiang YouTube videos showcasing human rights violations.
- 2021-08 Law enforcement now uses warrants for Google’s geo-fence information to criminally prosecute.
- 2021-09 Russia has required that Google and Apple remove a Navalny app right before Russia’s elections began.
- 2022-02 Amazon was able to get the FBI to drag this family through a harrowing nearly two-year ordeal.
- 2022-06 Pirated content website blocking is making its way into free trade agreements.
- 2022-06 Big Tech companies say they honor privacy, but try to undermine government data rules.
- 2022-08 OnlyFans bribed Meta to put competing porn stars on the terrorist watch list.
- Government – USA
- 2021-07 Chicago PD used gunshot-detecting AI ShotSpotter’s data as central to a criminal case, though there’s no empirical evidence that ShotSpotter works.
- 2021-10 Missouri’s governor is trying to prosecute a reporter who found a security flaw in a state website.
- 2022-01 Anti-China sentiment has led to false-positives for Chinese spies in the US government.
- 2022-11 The Air Force and FBI raided the home of someone who ran an Area 51 website.
- 2023-06 Utah blocks users in the state from accessing Pornhub on the claims of the state’s age verification law.
- Government – China
- Government – Saudi Arabia
- Facebook/Meta
- Apple
- Amazon
- 2021-04 Twitch, owned by Amazon, will ban users by the broad definition of “severe misconduct” away from their site.
- 2022-02 Audiblegate: Audible is not giving publishers their royalties and making them absorb some transaction costs.
- 2023-05 A blogger who criticized Amazon’s policies was harassed by Amazon’s lawyers later.
- Google/Alphabet
- 2021-03 ClearURL, which clears tracking elements of URLs, got removed from the Google Chrome Addons Store.
- 2021-04 Adding a link to a donation page on your app violates “Google Play’s Policies”.
- 2021-04 Roku may lose the YouTube TV app if it doesn’t give Google exclusive access to user data.
- 2021-08 Google removed Language Transfer from their Play Store for having a link to their website.
- 2021-11 YouTube shut down live court streams of the Kyle Rittenhouse trial.
- 2022-08 Google will not reinstate a user’s account who had taking medical images of his son’s groin.
- 2022-09 Google shut down Kapwing because it was using software to download YouTube videos.
- 2023-09 YouTube blocks the comedian/actor Russell Brand from making money with their platform.
- 2023-10 Google forced Wired to take down content connected to its antitrust lawsuit (original content here).
- Microsoft
- Twitter/X
- Academia
- Telecom Providers
- Other Organizations
- 2018-07 This Airbnb customer was banned for contesting the review process for a dubious host review.
- 2021-02 Twitter has suspended media watchdog right-wing whistleblower Project Veritas’ account.
- 2021-06 Replit used legal threats to shut down this open-source developer’s perfectly legal project.
- 2021-09 Ubiquiti is putting ads on the management interface for their hardware.
- 2021-11 Stockholm city sent cybercrime investigators after parents who made an open-source app for a school platform.
- 2022-01 PayPal has been freezing customers’ funds, but not telling them why, including Larry Brandt’s account that funded servers that ran Tor nodes.
- 2022-07 Glassdoor’s user reviews are not as anonymous as they appear, and a company’s request for that person’s information is now legal.
- 2022-12 MSG ejected a mother from a Radio City Rockettes concert who was detected with facial recognition technology to be an attorney, though her work was fully unrelated to MSG.
- 2023-03 MailChimp blacklists the IP of any user who opens up the browser’s dev tools.
Further, those organizations (both public and private), when large and powerful enough, will make major moves to suppress things that don’t serve in their interests or opinions:
- Multiple
- 2020-01 After the FBI complained, Apple doesn’t encrypt backups to iCloud.
- 2020-12 Good, Cheap and Fast was shut down by multiple FAANG corporations.
- 2021-04 Apple and Google’s mobile app stores stifle competition and hurt consumers.
- 2021-07 Amazon got Apple to remove a fake Amazon review detector from Apple’s App Store.
- 2021-10 Apple lied to Congress about its secret relationship with Netflix.
- 2021-10 Google worked with Facebook to bypass Apple’s privacy protections with the “Jedi Blue” project, and this was a formalized agreement to collude.
- 2022-01 Google is paying Apple to keep Apple out of the search engine business.
- 2022-01 The music industry is suing Uberspace for hosting the website for youtube-dl, a general-purpose YouTube video download script, and it’s an ongoing battle.
- 2022-07 Uber broke laws, obstructed police, lobbied with governments, and worked with politicians to keep their business model running, as well as blocking law enforcement to get to their drivers. They also had plans to protect themselves legally if they were found out.
- Government – USA
- 2021-05 The FBI has subpoenaed the founder of Sci-Hub for no clear reason.
- 2021-07 An artist/coder was harassed by the Secret Service for publishing photos from Apple devices.
- 2022-08 The Xcel utility company locked 22,000 people out of their thermostats during 90 degree weather.
- 2022-11 The FBI seized domains for ZLibrary, which provided access to free books.
- Government – China
- Facebook/Meta
- Google/Alphabet
- 2021-08 Google’s “Project Hug” paid tons of money to keep game developers in the Play Store while still collecting a 30% royalty.
- 2022-03 YouTube suspended The Hill because of a video of Donald Trump denying the 2020 presidential election results.
- 2022-04 Google Docs will now “warn you away from inappropriate words”.
- Apple
- Other
They’ll also use systems like dark patterns and tailored data to promote things that people wouldn’t normally choose.
There are different versions of this:
- Google bombing – making a website’s search engine results irrelevant to bury that information
- Googlewashing – changing the perception of a term by manipulating search engine results
- Privacy washing – claiming to protect individuals’ privacy while not doing it
Another mechanism to manipulate the situation is to prevent net neutrality:
- By its nature, a computer should be unaware of what it sends and receives on the lower networking layers.
- Software in the computer itself should monitor that information for risks (i.e., layers 5 and up).
- Internet service providers are giving the lowest network layers (i.e., levels up to 4), so they shouldn’t monitor that information.
- However, there is plenty of political incentive to allow prioritized web traffic for some websites over others.
- If implemented, the internet service provider both gets to see everything someone does, and also steer traffic as they wish.
There are many examples of this:
- Government – China
- 2021-09 Lithuania has discovered that Chinese phones must be thrown away because of their built-in censorship capabilities.
- 2022-04 TikTok shows entirely different stories about the Ukraine war to Russia vs. Ukraine.
- 2022-07 China is heavily censoring its economic mortgage crisis.
- 2022-11 Huawei phones are automatically deleting videos of Chinese protesters.
- Government – US
- 2015-12 The NSA required Juniper Networks to install a buggy software backdoor in its product, which was subsequently breached.
- 2023-03 Health officials delayed a report linking fluoride to brain harm after health and dental groups challenged the report’s validity.
- 2023-08 Cellebrite, a phone hacking company, has required law enforcement contractually to keep their activities secret.
- Multiple
- 2021-05 Google’s YouTube has approved Belarus’ government sharing ads for a journalist they detained from the hijacked Ryanair plane they diverted.
- 2021-08 Google is paying Apple $15 billion to stay as Safari browser’s main search engine for 2021.
- 2022-01 Apple signed a 276-billion-dollar deal with China to give them more technological power.
- 2021-11 Apple makes enough money from their ads that they’re quietly buying Google ads for high-value subscription apps without the app developers’ permission, and Google isn’t deleting them.
- 2022-08 Facebook censored the Hunter Biden laptop story in 2020 because they were threatened by the FBI.
- 2022-08 Google pays billions of dollars every year to Apple, Samsung, and other telecom companies to maintain their dominance as a search engine.
- 2022-09 A report by Mozilla indicates that Apple, Google, and Microsoft force their users to use the system’s default browsers (Safari, Chrome, and Edge respectively).
- 2022-12 Twitter heavily curated their content, and blocked the Hunter Biden laptop story in 2020, which affected the 2020 US Presidential election.
- 2023-01 Twitter and YouTube have removed a documentary criticizing India’s Prime Minister Modi.
- 2023-05 Steam blocked the Dolphin emulator from their service because Nintendo requested, even though they didn’t need to.
- 2023-05 Twitter blocked content to influence the election in Turkey.
- Facebook/Meta
- 2018-03 WhatsApp used to have a question in their FAQ about not sharing user data, but has since removed it.
- 2021-08 Facebook has suppressed a report that would indicate that conservative political content is the most attention-grabbing.
- 2021-08 Facebook is silently censoring links, but delivering “sent receipts”.
- 2021-09 Certain high-profile individuals are exempt from some or all of their algorithm’s rules.
- 2021-09 Facebook is suppressing references to open source social media such as Mastodon.
- 2022-07 Facebook is fighting the privacy improvement of URL stripping by encrypting their links.
- 2023-09 Facebook will block a link to privacy tips from the EFF.
- Amazon
- 2021-03 One of Amazon’s top revenue streams is through advertising.
- 2022-01 Amazon has been creating knockoff products and manipulating search results to bury competition in India.
- 2022-05 Statistical analysis proves that Amazon uses its Echo speaker to more accurately serve ads to consumers.
- 2022-04 Amazon’s internal chat app blocks words like “union”, “pay raise”, “bathrooms”, and “plantation”.
- 2022-03 Getting personal data from Amazon requires weeks of tedium and stress.
- 2022-07 Amazon permits cheap junk to flood its store.
- 2022-09 IMDb deleted all the negative reviews for a movie “The Rings of Power”.
- 2022-04 Amazon’s “Iliad” project uses dark patterns to make it intentionally difficult to cancel a Prime membership.
- 2023-06 This user was blocked from Amazon because of a delivery driver’s unsubstantiated claims of racist remarks.
- Apple
- 2022-01 Apple was trying to take a 30% cut from other unrelated services like Uber, Lyft, and Postmates.
- 2021-04 Apple is permitting fraudulent App Store ratings in their most popular apps.
- 2021-06 Apple has arbitrarily ranked their Files app over Dropbox.
- 2021-05 iMessages take an absurd amount of space, which advances iCloud’s use.
- 2022-09 Over half of the funding from a seemingly unrelated small developer activist group called the App Association comes from Apple.
- 2022-11 Apple has lowered its data transfer service AirDrop’s time limit to 10 minutes, which coincidentally happened around China’s Sitong Bridge protest.
- 2023-01 Hosting a show with Apple Podcasts means it can only be hosted with Apple Podcasts.
- 2023-06 Apple may force a 111-year-old fruit company to change its apple logo.
- 2023-07 Apple has created Private Access Tokens to declare some devices illegitimate to use the internet.
- 2023-10 Apple has claimed that it hid devices’ MAC addresses for years, but they have been public the whole time.
- 2023-11 Apple has allowed user location tracking for years without their permission.
- Google/Alphabet
- 2017-01 Chromium’s Widevine DRM can no longer be disabled.
- 2020-01 Google Drive removes shared files it deems “misleading content”.
- 2020-07 41% of Google’s first page of results are Google products, with the top 15% of the page being 63% Google.
- 2020-08 Google’s Android SafetyNet makes installing alternative ROMs more difficult or impossible.
- 2021-04 Google Drive won’t let you download from them if you’ve blocked third-party cookies.
- 2021-06 Google intentionally hides specific content from search results.
- 2021-06 Google’s Android TV update severely broke the system with intrusive ads.
- 2021-09 Google automatically installs itself as the default search on Android OS.
- 2021-09 Google’s corporate culture redefines the meanings of words and avoids certain “bad” words.
- In 2022, YouTube removed the dislike count on all its videos, and auto-deletes comments that disapprove of it. They also removed the “sort by oldest/newest” option to hide older content.
- 2022-01 Google’s secret “Project Vivian” was designed to “convince” employees “that unions suck”.
- 2022-01 Google rewrites many page titles beyond minor corrections.
- 2022-02 Google Camera autocorrects QR codes, though there’s zero reason to do it.
- 2022-02 Google Drive will flag a file containing a line with the number “1” as a copyright infringement.
- 2022-02 Google can enable activity tracking for users who intentionally turned it off.
- 2022-02 Google Tag Manager is the new way that Google can gather and propagate user data.
- 2022-04 Google took millions of orders through its app instead of sending them to the restaurant’s website.
- 2022-06 Google turns on tracking for Google Workspace users that was originally turned off.
- 2022-08 Chrome lets websites write to users’ clipboard without their permission.
- 2022-09 Anyone who uses a Google AdSense before they’re 18 will be blocked from using it for life.
- 2023-04 Google has been deprecating JPEG-XL format in lieu of its patented AVIF format.
- 2023-05 YouTube runs UX tests for blocking users’ videos unless they disable their ad blocker.
- 2023-07 Google is implementing a Web Integrity Framework in Chrome that will test whether a device is legitimate by Google’s standards.
- 2023-09 Google Chrome’s “Privacy Sandbox” sends a “topics” list to advertisers.
- 2023-10 Against its claims, Google’s PlayProtect removed the sideloaded KDE Connect software because it wasn’t installed through the Google Play Store.
- 2023-10 Google is now advocating against internet privacy by supporting a government bill that would require age verification.
- Microsoft
- 2011-09 Windows’ Secure Boot will complicate installing Linux onto computers.
- 2020-04 Windows 10 S Mode is the most constrained OS made to date.
- 2021-06 Microsoft is trying to make users only use Microsoft online accounts instead of simply offline accounts.
- 2021-06 Windows 11 is now requiring computers to use TPM chips.
- 2021-10 Microsoft has been force-opening some of its links in Microsoft Edge instead of the native browser, and shut down Firefox’s workaround for it, and changed all default browser settings to Edge in a Windows 11 update.
- 2022-03 Microsoft is connected to hundreds of millions of dollars in foreign bribes.
- 2022-05 DuckDuckGo’s contract requires that it permit Microsoft to keep tracking their searches.
- 2022-06 Windows 11’s File Explorer is getting tested to show ads.
- 2022-07 LinkedIn is automatically importing job postings from other sites into company profiles.
- 2022-09 Microsoft Edge automatically connects to a VPN nearby your location without users’ implicit permission.
- 2022-12 Most new features of Windows 11 are more dark patterns.
- 2022-12 GitHub’s updated privacy policy has very concerning wording regarding how they acquire and use information they gather.
- 2023-02 Microsoft is inserting ads into Chrome’s website to keep people with Microsoft Edge.
- 2023-03 There are many default dark patterns to Microsoft Edge.
- 2023-03 Microsoft Windows shows distracting tabloid news right on its desktop.
- 2023-04 The public support forum disappeared from SwiftKey right after Microsoft bought it.
- 2023-05 Microsoft is forcing Outlook and Teams to open links in the Microsoft Edge browser.
- 2023-07 Microsoft’s Enhanced Phishing Protection feature will detect when people enter credentials into software not approved by Microsoft.
- 2023-08 Windows opens system components with the default browser (instead of Microsoft Edge), but only in Europe to comply with their laws.
- 2023-08 Windows is using malware-like popups to get people to abandon Google Chrome and move to Microsoft Edge.
- 2023-09 Despite legislation, Microsoft is still forcing Edge onto its Windows 11 users.
- 2023-11 Mail for Windows is being swapped for Outlook via dark pattern, which is sending all email access data directly to Microsoft’s servers.
- Twitter/X
- 2022-03 Sorting tweets by chronological order is now more difficult.
- 2022-06 Twitter never deletes its content, but instead hides it with JavaScript.
- 2022-12 Twitter instituted a policy to cancel other social media platforms on its platform.
- 2022-12 Twitter heavily moderated the COVID-19 debate by suppressing information.
- 2023-06 Viewing tweets now requires a Twitter account.
- 2023-08 adds a 5-second delay to specific web domains it clearly doesn’t like.
- Other
- 2013-12 Wikipedia systematically deletes articles from an unfair bias. Deletionpedia was tracking it, but somehow disappeared quietly as of February 2023.
- 2018-11 Esri literally owns the entire geospatial software market and can do whatever it wants.
- 2021-12 TikTok’s streaming software is an illegally licensed fork of the open-source OBS software.
- 2022-01 Starbucks and TrustArc add fake delays to users who don’t opt in to tracking cookies.
- 2022-02 Adobe tricks people into 12-month contracts for Creative Cloud.
- 2022-02 Samsung has a terrible warranty policy.
- 2022-05 Visa’s marketing opt-out service has been down for a while, in violation of the US CAN-SPAM Act.
- 2022-06 DuckDuckGo is down-ranking sites associated with “Russian disinformation”.
- 2022-06 Vizio ads are now showing banner ads over live TV.
- 2022-12 LastPass set the delete account div window to display:none (thereby making it impossible to delete the account).
- 2023-01 Airbnb removes negative reviews without notification.
- 2023-03 Experian makes it very difficult for consumers to work with it.
- 2023-06 Avast acquired the independent “I don’t care about cookies” extension.
- 2023-06 Yelp reviews can be severely distorted.
- 2023-06 Stack Exchange is making data dumps harder to access.
- 2023-07 Tesla created a secret team to redirect complaints about the vehicles’ driving range.
- 2023-08 HP has been putting a Wi-Fi sticker over their USB ports to incentivize users to not use the Wi-Fi.
- 2023-09 Unity has silently deleted the GitHub repository that tracks changes to its terms of service.
- 2023-11 Chamberlain Group is removing MyQ support from their garage doors, meaning the open-source Home Assistant won’t work with their products.
Large organizations will also often try to draw more money out of people and abuse or misuse intellectual property rights beyond any just or sensible measure:
- Government – USA
- Government – Europe
- Multiple
- 2022-08 Smart TVs are now mostly ad generation machines.
- 2022-09 Most online advertising is computers showing ads to other computers, without human involvement.
- 2022-10 You’re not purchasing a copy to own anymore when you “buy” a movie through an online store.
- 2023-04 Germany ruled that Uberspace is liable for hosting youtube-dl software, which copies YouTube videos.
- Facebook/Meta
- Amazon
- 2021-05 Amazon is distorting their prices and punishing sellers for trying to sell their product outside of Amazon.
- 2021-05 Amazon is intentionally using sellers’ data to boost their sales.
- 2022-10 Amazon lets scammers flood its top USB drives on its store page with fraudulent storage limits.
- 2022-11 Most things on Amazon are now advertisements.
- 2023-11 Amazon used a price-adjusting algorithm to pull $1 billion more out of customers than it should have.
- Apple
- Google/Alphabet
- Netflix
- PayPal
- Other
- 2022-02 Samsung TVs load their screen with ads and unwanted content.
- 2022-06 Shopify tries to extort money out of people by burying arcane violations in their terms of service.
- 2022-08 Walmart lets scammers sell 30 TB hard drives that actually have a few SD cards inside it and dramatically less space.
- 2022-08 GoDaddy charged this person €150 for failing to respond to an email within 2 hours after his payment was canceled.
- 2022-12 HP printers intentionally make third-party ink cartridges difficult or impossible to use.
- 2022-12 Stripe’s pricing model appears to be simple, but it uses 20 other products that make the pricing system arcane and likely pricier than it may appear.
- 2023-01 Twilio tends to perform toll-fraud, then hide behind their terms of service if customers complain.
Further, AI and machine learning give even more opportunities to distort the truth:
The Right to Repair
One closely connected aspect, beyond gathering data, is making more money through inferior products.
- Consumers obviously want high-quality products, so manufacturers build better products to stay ahead of the competition.
- However, if those products are too good, they can last a long time. Singer sewing machines, for example, became so robust that grandmothers were handing them down to their granddaughters.
- Computer parts are no exception to this reality, and manufacturers make them with “planned obsolescence”, which are engineered to break down after a predictable period of time, typically a few months outside the window of the warranty period presuming typical use.
This is a scientifically proven trend with electronics. For example, Western Digital budget hard drives are arbitrarily slowed-down by up to 50% as of 2021.
Computer owners can push back on this by learning how to replace parts, meaning an aftermarket battery or hard drive can often make devices last years beyond when the company wants them to buy another product.
Since the consumers aren’t making large companies any money by doing this, they often try to thwart the users’ “right to repair” by inserting arbitrary barriers to the product:
- General
- Electronics used to come with schematics and documentation, but most modern electronics don’t have any guidance for working with the hardware components or bare-metal OS.
- Most modern smartphones have the OS configured to prevent completely wiping and repurposing the phone as a small computer.
- Replacement parts are sometimes impossible to get because of various proprietary features that the company will arbitrarily change for each product they distribute.
- Many times, the hardware can only be accessed directly by the vendor (e.g., Apple iPhones, CAT equipment).
- Other times, the hardware requires very specialized, expensive tools that the vendor sells (e.g., cars).
- 2021-03 Farm equipment manufacturers require their equipment to need constant maintenance, and they’ll sell the sensor data while they’re servicing the tractors.
- 2021-06 Microcode updates can silently change the performance of computer CPUs.
- 2022-08 Consumer devices are designed to die within 3–4 years.
- 2023-06 Air quality monitors add in many hidden costs that make them arbitrarily non-functioning or obsolete.
- Acer
- Canon
- GE
- Google/Alphabet
- HP
- Qualcomm
- Samsung
- Tesla
- Toyota
- Other
This makes general sense about why people accept this situation. As computers get cheaper and smaller, they become more commodities than tools. However, it means people can’t repair their things, meaning that companies can ratchet up prices with consumers being stuck either paying for it or living without it. It also means it creates more waste.
Some companies are taking political action to prevent the Right to Repair:
- 2022-06 California’s Right to Repair bill died in the Senate.
- 2023-02 Language from Big Tech lobbyists made its way into the final bill passed by New York.
- 2023-09 California is now requiring vendors, not distributors, to provide up to 3 or 7 years’ worth of parts, tools, repair manuals, and software.
- 2023-09 Tesla and Rivian are signaling they support the right to repair, but aren’t doing anything to prove it.
A few companies have pivoted the other way to compensate for failings in the Right to Repair (mostly Apple), but their size makes their actions potentially image-based:
- 2022-01 Apple is now providing self-service repair parts, tools, and manuals.
- 2022-08 Apple now permits Mac notebooks to be self-repaired.
- 2022-09 Apple designed the iPhone 14 to be much more accessible for self-repair, but it still requires an Apple-approved software handshake that makes recycling parts impossible.
- 2023-02 Nokia’s G22 is a fully repairable budget-priced Android phone.
- 2023-04 Microsoft is quietly supporting laws that make it easier to fix devices.
- 2023-06 While Apple promised sideloading for iOS 17, it hasn’t delivered on that promise.
- 2023-09 Google’s Chromebooks will now receive 10 years of automatic updates.
Of course, large organizations are made of many people, and humanity is prone to fallacy. Sometimes, things fall through the cracks in large, unwieldy systems with zero malicious intent:
- Multiple Large Entities
- Government – USA
- Facebook/Meta
- 2021-04 533,000,000 Facebook users’ personal data, including phone numbers, were leaked online.
- 2021-09 Massive monetization schemes are harvesting clickbait through Facebook’s systems.
- 2021-10 Teenage girls’ anxieties are exacerbated by using Instagram.
- 2022-01 A heavy metal community of 50,000 disappeared because scammers claimed ownership of the page.
- 2022-06 This user was hacked, then Facebook blocked her out of her account.
- 2022-10 Meta blocked a developer’s domain arbitrarily, which shut down 700 not-for-profit organizations in the process.
- 2023-10 Advertising for the Python programming language and Pandas machine learning may flag you for illegally handling pythons and pandas, and after 180 days you will be permanently banned from Facebook.
- Amazon
- 2021-07 Amazon doesn’t do anything to prevent “brand hijacking”.
- 2021-05 Amazon has a different policy for expensive products, and doesn’t refund them, even if they shipped an empty box.
- 2022-07 Amazon permits sellers that sell counterfeit textbooks.
- 2022-11 Amazon frequently permits scammers to dominate its marketplace.
- Apple
- 2021-01 Fraudulent developers are ripping off legitimate devs, and Apple doesn’t care.
- 2021-09 Apple flagged a blind developer from updating his game designed for blind people.
- 2021-03 Apple randomly deleted this tech blogger’s entire account and permanently disabled this other one until an executive had to re-enable it.
- 2022-05 Apple removed this developer’s game from the App Store because it’s more than two years old.
- 2023-09 Sometimes, iCloud Drive will silently delete content without notification.
- 2023-10 Not setting up the Find My software on a MacBook runs the risk of bricking it.
- Google/Alphabet
- 2012-12 Chromebook speakers literally burn up because of bad computer design.
- 2021-04 Google’s lawyer accidentally made a private document very public.
- 2021-04 Google shut down the DroidScript app and developer account because of false claims of ad fraud.
- 2021-04 If you’re a software developer and ever happen to click on your ad as a user, Google can ban you.
- 2021-03 If you link to certain user-uploaded content, Google may kill your site.
- 2021-06 Google’s knowledge graph algorithm accidentally mixed up a software engineer with a serial killer, and this is not an isolated incident.
- 2021-09 Google falsely flagged an uploaded video of armored vehicles in Google Drive.
- 2021-07 Two-factor authentication routinely locks poor and elderly people permanently out of their Google accounts.
- 2021-09 The Linux Experiment YouTube channel was arbitrarily shut down.
- 2021-11 YouTube flags and shuts down public domain content as well as perfectly legitimate copyrighted content, and this is a frequent problem. This entrepreneur couple lost thousands of hours of work from an unresolved false-positive.
- 2021-12 Google Pixel prevented this user from calling 911, this isn’t an isolated incident, and hasn’t been fixed as of 2 years later.
- 2022-01 Sometimes Gmail locks someone out of their account permanently, without a means to get back in.
- 2022-01 Google’s search has been steadily deteriorating over the years, and the entire first page of some searches are nothing but ads as of 2022.
- 2022-01 Google Play app developers have difficulty complying with Google’s vague, constantly changing standards.
- 2022-06 YouTube canceled this user because of a Nextcloud How-To video.
- 2022-05 FairEmail was removed from the Google Play Store without any clear explanation.
- 2022-05 This developer’s Google account was deactivated because it was “associated” with another former Google employee.
- 2022-07 YouTube removes a criticism of the dangerous practice of using a microwave to wood burn, but leaves up the tips.
- 2022-07 YouTube shut down the ambient music channel Lofi Girl accidentally due to a non-specific copyright strike.
- 2022-07 Google Drive removed a Google Sheets document that archived a local political election.
- 2022-07 Google Ads may block you for “suspicious activity”, but not indicate why or how to resolve it.
- 2022-08 Google Cloud suspended all of this developer’s production projects from a billing error in their system.
- 2022-08 Google flagged a father as a criminal for taking medical photos of his naked toddler.
- 2022-09 Google broke its Creative Commons filter for Image Search, but hasn’t done anything about it.
- 2022-09 Google Pixel 6 still freezes when calling Emergency Services.
- 2022-10 Pushbullet was steadily harassed by Google Play Store’s software for arbitrary privacy policy violations.
- 2022-10 To comply with Google’s arbitrary policies, the Voys Telecom app on the Google Play Store was forced to perform worse regarding phone contacts.
- 2022-10 Google locks homeless people out of their Gmail account if they lose their phone, and it affects anyone poor enough to not have more than one internet-connected device.
- 2022-12 Doing a chargeback against Google can get you banned.
- 2022-12 Google removed this developer’s Yubikeys from his account and banned him without a remediation process.
- 2022-12 Google sometimes prevents someone from using the intellectual property they lawfully paid for if it’s not connected to the internet for a while.
- 2023-02 Google search can sometimes yield scammers’ ads as top results.
- 2023-03 Google Drive puts an undocumented hard limit on how many files you can have, even if you’re paying for its service.
- 2023-06 YouTube is testing out permanently blocking users who use ad blockers.
- 2023-10 A Google-verified advertiser provides KeePass malvertising.
- Microsoft
- 2021-09 Microsoft Teams is garbage software that even slows high-powered computers down.
- 2021-12 An automated system at Microsoft forked an MIT-licensed software, then changed its license.
- 2022-02 Outlook is asking if you want a slower experience with more ad space, though this is a likely attempt to comply with an EU law that requires ads to not look like emails.
- 2022-04 Setting a GitHub repo to private, even for a few seconds, will remove all social indicators of watchers and stars, effectively rendering your repo unpopular.
- 2023-01 GitHub will delete your private repo if you lose access to the original.
- 2023-02 Sometimes, an arcane Active Directory setting can allow an organization to take over your personal account.
- 2023-04 Microsoft’s GitHub Copilot AI is trained on GPL code, meaning it’s unlawful for them to profit off it.
- 2023-06 Windows mistranslated a zip file as a “postcode file” in UK localization.
- Stripe
- 2021-09 Stripe banned this developer without any explanation.
- 2022-07 Stripe flagged an entire cell phone store’s business without justification.
- 2022-09 Stripe banned a user without explanation, along with a large block of others.
- 2022-12 Stripe held over $400,000 of someone’s money with no explanation.
- eBay
- Twitter/X
- Cloudflare
- Other
- 2014-02 Dell computers that run standard VLC media player software void the warranty.
- 2021-12 Tinder permanently banned this person without any explanation why.
- 2021-12 After enough time, Ubisoft may delete accounts where customers own games.
- 2022-02 The government COVID-19 contact tracing app Luca has been a complete train wreck.
- 2022-06 Dropbox deleted the account of the creator of the Rick and Morty TV show for no clearly obvious reason.
- 2022-07 Tesla accidentally replaced its car battery with a higher-range one, then downgraded it with software during an update.
- 2023-02 PayPal can sometimes randomly block users, like for a license key that contained “ALEP”.
- 2022-04 Installing school monitoring software incorrectly can hold your private computer hostage.
- 2022-08 Oracle arbitrarily suspended this developer’s account.
- 2023-01 Heroku may delete your database permanently with no warning.
- 2023-06 An expensive tourist submarine that went missing near the Titanic was operated with a $30 Logitech game pad.
Next: How to Fight Back