Computer coding has a relatively long history compared to most other computer-based things. While Charles Babbage created the difference machine in the 1820s, Ada Lovelace was the first “programmer”.
Machine/Assembly Coding
At its core, programming could be machine code: just a bunch of 0s and 1s. But, that’s tiresome, and hard to read, so they made assembly code that’s easier to read.
But, assembly code is also tiresome. The computer takes 40 steps to do generally simple things. Plus, because each manufacturer has their rules, not every computer does quite the same thing with the same instructions.
Enter High-Level
So, programmers made (and make) high-level languages. These languages let you type 1 command that does dozens, hundreds, or thousands of “lines” of assembly code.
“High-level languages” come at a cost. Although you’re making a “one-size-fits-all” code, it means the program won’t always be optimal for specific hardware. As it progresses to being more high-level, it becomes less optimized and more user-friendly.
But, you can write it on one computer and it’ll work anywhere, so it’s very convenient. That’s worth the tradeoff for a little bit of slowness.
Of course, if you really want something applicable everywhere but also close to the hardware, you can’t go wrong with the C language. Even though it’s technically high-level, some developers find it so close to assembly language that they think it’s low-level language!
To work with high-level language, programmers usually use an “integrated development environment”, or IDE.
Every culture has its jargon, and tech is no exception. One of the most frequently used words is API (“application programming interface”).
The word API gets thrown around a lot, and it’s a buzzword for “the rules that one computer/thing has to follow to interact with another computer/thing”.
In practice, though, an API is an “abstraction” that gets all the clutter out of the way. You can enter information into it, and the computer does all its back-end stuff, and produces what you want at the end without all the extra access to the code.
It’s the same way that a steering wheel is the API for a car, and you don’t need to understand how it runs to operate it.
A “constant” is something that doesn’t move, and computers borrows the word from algebra. It could be the number 5, the word “blue”, the color blue, the image of a puppy, or the laughter of a child.
However, while people treat the universe itself as a soft-ish constant, computers don’t actually have “constants” outside of numbers. They’re emotionless logic machines, so they don’t assign philosophical value like us.
The way they’re designed, a computer will drop out almost everything unless it can convert to language or math.
To account for uncertain things, computers use variables to define the constants.
The word “variable” also has its origins from algebra. But, in computers, it can be named almost anything instead of specific math concepts like “x”, “y”, or “Δ”.
Programmers tell the computer to grab a piece of memory and call it whatever they want (within reason):
- burpNow = 5
- burpNow = “tires”
That variable can be whatever value you want, including nothing (aka, “null”). If it starts with a value, it’s called an “initialized” variable. Otherwise, it’s uninitialized.
- burpNow
An operating system can organize the memory to make referencing variables easier, programmers don’t usually need to know about memory management when they’re starting out. They just need to know what variables they’re using and what’s in the boxes.
Whenever the programmer wants that variable, the computer can “call” the variable with a “pointer”:
- get burpNow
The pointer might be to an input or output value:
- clickStatus = mouse[0] (the first mouse button becomes “clickStatus”)
- screen[135,0] = pixel135 (pixel135 becomes the 135th pixel value on the screen)
Often, variables can point to other variables (“dual-pointed variables”):
- name = “Bob”
- firstName = name
Dual-pointed variables make managing multiple things with the same original value easier.
Variables are useful, but computers are stupid enough that they need to know beforehand what’s in the variable. Thus, engineers created “types” of variable data.
Two common variables in many programming examples are “foo” and “bar” as simple placeholders.
Each computer language (its “syntax”) is unique. Thus, while they’re all logical, they each structure that logic a little differently. Not following syntax rules makes the computer spit out errors, and is a huge part of debugging.
There’s a general syntax that span across many of the the languages, but each one has its own quirks. If people are used to a specific language, they’ll often hate transitioning to another one strictly because of those quirks.
Often, the left thing will be the result, with the information on the right specifying what to do with it:
- newVariable = oldVariable + 5
Depending on the language, spaces and tabs either don’t matter or demarcate hierarchical instructions. Same goes for capitalization.
All high-level programming is technically a shortcut, so since software developers often have to write the same thing repetitively, it makes sense to make more shortcuts. Software development is a type of industrious laziness because of this, and they create all sorts of “syntactic sugar” to sweeten the experience of repetitive work.
Very often, programmers tick numbers up or down by one:
- thatNumber = thatNumber + 1
- thatNumber = thatNumber – 1
- thatNumber ++
- thatNumber–
Other times, they just want to do basic math and use the new number instead:
- thatNumber = thatNumber + 5
- thatNumber = thatNumber – 5
- thatNumber = thatNumber * 5
- thatNumber = thatNumber / 5
- thatNumber = thatNumber % 5
- thatNumber += 5
- thatNumber -= 5
- thatNumber *= 5
- thatNumber /= 5
- thatNumber %= 5
If you use one equals sign, you’re telling the computer that the variable on the left now equals whatever’s on the right:
- numberValue = 5
So, if you want to see if something is the same, you use the equals sign twice:
- numberValue = 5
- 5 == numberValue (the computer will give a Boolean of TRUE)
Because of data types, there’s a huge difference between equality (=) and identity (≡). High-level languages like Python and JavaScript are smart enough to convert data types before calculating with it (“type coercion”). But, sometimes you don’t want it to do that.
To prevent the high-level language from automatically changing the data type, you can use “===”, “is” or some other variation depending on the programming language:
- 5 == “5” (returns the Boolean of TRUE)
- 5 === “5” (returns the Boolean of FALSE)
If a piece of data generally expresses to FALSE because it naturally rounds out to 0, it’s “falsy”. The values of 0, -0, NaN, undefined, “”, false, and null are all falsy values. Otherwise, if the value has something in it, it’s “truthy”, which can include “0” or “false”, an empty array, or an empty object.
Sometimes, you want something to not equal each other. NOT is often represented by “!”:
- 51 != 51 (returns FALSE)
- 51 !== “51” (returns TRUE)
You may need to leave a note for yourself. Or, maybe you want to inform anyone editing the code later about something. You might want to clean up the code later and need to clarify that you have no clue how to defeat the arcane monstrosity your Project Manager gave you.
Whatever the case, you’ll need to comment on the code:
- <!–Each language does it differently,–>
- /*but the important thing*/
- //is that the computer will ignore
- ;;;whatever is in here when it
- #compiles or interprets everything
To make the comments easier to distinguish, the IDE usually turns the comments gray.
There are often single-line and multi-line variants of commenting. If you want to be really specific about certain things, you can often write the comments on the same line as the executed code.
A function is a like a box of logical statements that build into a process:
- Information goes into the function.
- The computer follows a bunch of rules to fiddle with the information and “call” more functions.
- The function “exits” when it reaches the end.
The function is “callable” by referencing its label. Sometimes the function does things, and sometimes it doesn’t, but it’s all depending on what’s in the box. If you haven’t noticed, every function is a type of mini-API.
Often, the functions have “clauses”, which are optional conditions that you can use in the language. Like clauses in language, they can dramatically change what the function does or how it does it.
Usually, the function in most languages will use brackets to separate ideas like “()”, “{}”, “<>”, and “[]”. Other languages will use colons (“:”) or white space (i.e., spaces and tabs) instead. Functions do, however, have certain universals:
- Usually a function label, whatever you want to call it.
- If a function is “called” from a previous function, it’ll often have an underscore in front of it (e.g., “check_scores” will call “_check_scores”).
- The “arguments” that go into the function, usually closed by brackets. This can include “global variables” (stored in the operating system’smemory “heap”) or new, temporary “local variables” (stored in the program’s “stack”).
- Some functions don’t take in arguments and just use “()” instead, which can be useful when you want to do a lot of stuff based on another set of conditions.
- The things the function does, also usually closed by brackets. If it’s a simple function, this one won’t be needed.
- Sometimes the function will “return” out for use later, other times it’ll pass information on to something else or “print” the information as output.
There are quite a few mundane functions in nearly every high-level language:
- PRINT – spits out information to a screen. It’s usually the first thing any programming class teaches. It’s called “print” because it used to go to a printer before someone attached screens to computers!
- CONCATENATE – adds multiple strings and other variables together. It’s pretty much how a computer can say “You win! 18 points!”
- Arithmetic functions that perform math.
- Conditional statements, as explained below.
Functions are condensed versions of the many, many tasks a CPU must do. The “print” function, for example, saves a ton of trouble by condensing the entire process of outputting to a screen down to a simple command. In technicality, any command that isn’t machine/assembly code is a function!
Naming Conventions
Choosing names is one of the most difficult concepts in computer science.
For one thing, the programmer has to know what the program will do. Naming something TotalSum sounds like a good idea, until the software is working with multiple total sums. DataOutput sounds sensible, until it might direct to another data input. So, specificity is crucial.
Computers are pretty stupid, so variables and functions are case-sensitive. If you wanted to, you could assign all the variables and functions as separate things:
- That
- thaT
- tHAt
- that
A programmer who is debugging that abomination you made later, however, will kill you. So, to avoid an untimely cessation of a primary organ, programmers agree on naming conventions.
There are many awful ways to “define” things:
- hair color – two words, so it might be mistaken as a command
- haircolor – could be seen as a built-in command
- HaIrColOr – confusing to read
- HAIRCOLOR – it better be a constant
- hairColor – it better be a variable
- haierColor – why did you mispell?
Back in the day, programmers used all-caps to delineate commands. This was when everything compiled to all-caps:
- PRINT I’m a little teapot
- EXECUTE short and stout
- WHILE I have a handle
- ELSE on what syntax is about
Now, programmers often use “camel case” or “Pascal case” or “bicapitialization”, all in one word, no special characters like periods or commas. It separates out the words for easy reading, but it’s still “one” word:
- hairColor
- HairColor
- headShapePlayerCharacter
- playerHitPointsAfterFirstBossButBeforeFinalBoss
If you have multiple words, many languages use the convention of “snake case”:
- player_hit_points
- hat_color
- cheese_eaten
If you just need to use placeholder variables, most programmers use “foo” and “bar”. Its history goes back to MIT’s Model Railroad Club, because computers have always been cool.
Conditional Statements
The CPU recognizes conditional jumps, which form into conditional statements. In short, conditional statements are logical “statements” that run when certain “conditions” are met. This creates “branching” in the instructions to separate the flow into multiple logical outcomes.
When “foo” is 0 and a conditional statement specifies that “foo” must be greater than 2, that statement won’t run and the program will advance to the code right after the statement.
Conditional statements run when the logic is true, represented by a Boolean 1. There are a variety of operators to specify the logic:
- < less than
- > greater than
- <= less than or equal to
- >= greater than or equal to
- AND for when both conditions are met
- OR at least one of the conditions are met
- XOR only one of the conditions are met
In one sense, everything in programming is merely “if” and “for” loops:
- An “if loop” only activates when a condition is met (e.g., x=1).
- A “for loop” empowers iterations (e.g., x=1 and y=3, do something and add 1 to x, in this case repeat until x=4).
Statement Types
IF statements are extremely frequent in functions. They test the condition, then run the code inside it if it’s true, or gloss over if if it’s not true. They don’t tend to permit alternative interpretations of “true”, either.
- IF (statement that must be true) {
stuff to do if it’s true
ELSE-IF statements are sub-IF statements. They’re IF statements that run if the statement before it didn’t work out.
ELSE statements are a catch-all at the end. If, for whatever reason, none of the IF statements worked out, ELSE is there to do something useful.
It’s generally a good practice to always have an ELSE at the end of a function to catch any weird stuff that didn’t fit with the rest. Smart hackers can exploit the absence of an ELSE function, since they’ll be able to send code outside the function without an ELSE condition.
If you want to have many IF statements, you can create a type of demultiplexer with a SWITCH function. It’ll break out into case “a”, “b”, and so on as much as necessary. In this case, the ELSE function is labeled “default:”
Functions are callable, just like variables. Plus, functions can sit inside other functions (function-ception!). This can sometimes get confusing for new programmers.
As a general rule, 1 function does 1 purpose. Some people don’t follow this rule and make life very miserable for all the other programmers.
By telling the computer to “jump” back to a previous instruction, you can assemble a loop, or “iteration”. Loops are really useful at doing a repetitive task many times, since you can instruct it once and it’ll keep going until you want it to stop.
FOR loops are excellent for doing something a specific number of times, and have several parts:
- an integer value: i = 0
- a conditional statement to keep doing the loop: i < 20
- something to do to that integer after the instructions of that loop: i++
Thus, a FOR loop is “syntactic sugar”:
- for (i = 0, i<20, i++) {code to run over and over}
It’s worth noting that computers are stupid enough to easily destroy themselves with a loop that runs forever and ever. Always, always, always have an exit to a FOR loop!
WHILE loops run indefinitely until a certain condition is met:
- while (x == y) {code to run over and over}
FOR loops are meant to end, but WHILE loops can run forever. They’re really useful for constantly refreshing the screen many times a second or for keeping programs open all the time in an operating system. If you want to make it run forever, just put “while (true)”.
DO-WHILE loops are unusual variants for a specific use. Sometimes you want to do something once, then check if conditions are met.
One of the most difficult concepts to understand in programming is when functions “recurse”. Basically, instead of repeating a loop over and over until some conditions are met, programmers can make the function repeat itself inside over and over:
- recursionFunction (n) {
recursionFunction (n+1);
In the above example, this will keep going forever, opening up a new function with that adds 1 to the original number until the computer crashed or you stopped it:
The rule for loops applies to functions: always have an exit:
- recursiveFunction (n) {
if (n<100) {
return n;
} else {
return (n + recursiveFunction(n+1))
The reason people have a hard time getting their head around it is because nothing in reality works quite like this. When we say a sentence, that sentence doesn’t make any sense when it references itself:
- This statement is false.
- The previous statement is only true if this statement is true.
- All the statements here make no sense, and are therefore false.
In practice with computers, however, their stupidity is their saving grace. Here’s how it would look if you used 1 as the argument:
- recursionFunction (1) {
recursionFunction (2) {
recursionFunction (3) {
recursionFunction (4) {
recursionFunction (5) {
(on and on forever until your computer broke)
What that means is that when something does satisfy the recursion (also known as the “base case”), all those functions will fulfill and exit in reverse order. So, in the above case, it’ll use 5,4,3,2,1 in that order if it was fulfilled.
If the memory gets full from all those recursions, it’s called a “stack overflow” error.
Recursions are extremely useful because you can apply them wherever you can find a pattern across data.
Making Functions
It’s less work to just import a library, but sometimes you have to get your hands dirty and make your own functions.
Creating functions is relatively simple:
- Depending on the language, the scope of the function. This determines which types the function will work with.
- What the function will return, if applicable.
- The name of the function.
- The arguments for the function, which will always be in parentheses.
- The code for the function.
- public int thatFunction (int num1, num2) {
print(num1 + num2);
Then, when you call the function, it returns whatever you drop into the arguments:
- thatFunction (5, 4) \\ prints 20
Whatever type of variable you specify must get fed into the function. This is also true for return types as well. For example, you can’t drop a string argument into an integer-based function, and can’t return a float if the function is returning an integer.
If the function is supposed to return something, it must return something! This can be easy to forget if the logic doesn’t have an ELSE condition. The best thing to do in that case is to drop a “return” command at the end of the function that makes it clear you failed.
Data Structures + Loops
Each variable can hold 1 value. While you could theoretically use 1 value to hold “MilkEggsCheese”, it’s better to spread those across multiple variables. An “array” is an ordered list, and can hold variables, constants or other arrays. It’s one of a wide variety of available data structures.
FOR EACH functions allow loops over arrays. The loop will run across the array, but the EACH part asks for a condition. If the condition is met that time, the computer will run the instructions in the FOR EACH function.
This can be really useful for lots of data. You can count the data that matches something, or make the computer do something related to where that data is stored (like modify the previous values or increment the data).
Regular Expression
Obviously, it’s a good idea to search inside text and numbers for things. A “regular expression” is the code to do that.
The syntax changes depending on the programming language, but we’ll use JavaScript here. Here’s some examples of what text you could look for:
- /a/ – the letter “a”
- /a|b/ – the letter “a” or “b”
- /.a./ – the letter “a” when there’s anything before it and after it
- /a/g – all instances of the letter “a” (outputted as an array)
- /a+/g – all times that you see “a”, “aa”, “aaa”, etc. (outputted as an array)
- /a/i – the letter “a” or “A”
- /[a-g]/ – any of the range from “a” through “g”
- /[0-4]/ – any of the numbers 0 through 4
- /ahem/ – the specific string “ahem” somewhere in the text
- /^ahem/ – the string “ahem” at the beginning of the text
- /ahem$/ – the string “ahem” at the end of the text
- /aher*m/ – the string “ahem”, but also “aherm” or “aherrm”
- /aher?m/ – the string “ahem, but also “aherm”
- /a{2,5}/ – the strings “aa”, “aaa”, “aaaa”, or “aaaaa”
- /\s/ – a space (” “) in the text
- /\S/ – NOT a space in the text
- /\w/ – any of a-z, A-Z, or 0-9
- /\W/ – NOT a-z, A-Z, or 0-9
- /\d/ – any of 0-9
- /\D/ – anything that’s NOT 0-9
Thus, you can slam them all together and create /^\w\s*.bla+h{,6}\W$/ that fulfills the following:
- There’s a letter or number at the beginning, followed by a possible space and at least another character.
- The word “blah” is in there, but could be “blaaaahhhhhh”, but not “blaahhhhhhh”.
- It has to end with a special character.
This is just the beginning of how elaborate a regular expression can get. It’s terrifying to glance at, but not hard to understand if you take it letter-by-letter. Take notes if you have to.
One of the more fiddly and confusing components of regular expressions is a “lookahead”. Think of the computer holding onto a specific letter:
- /abbazabba/
It will go through each letter, step by step, to find the match (“a”,”b”,”b”,”a”,”z”…)
Now, what if you want to search for that element, but with a somewhat unrelated thing elsewhere in that string? You’d normally have to have the computer zip ahead to find it. with lots of text in the middle.
Instead, you can have the computer literally “look ahead” while holding its place:
- /abbazabba(?=wammajamma)/
In the above situation, it’ll first look for “abbazabba”, then try to find “wammajamma” anywhere else in the string. This can be useful to satisfy certain conditions (password requirements, for example).
The type of data regex returns can be greedy (where it pulls from a wider range of data to get a return) or lazy (where it grabs the next available data).
- e.g., given the text “<em>hello world</em>”
- If you search <.+> (which is looking for “<“, then 1 or more non-newline character, then “<“), your intuition would say that it’s present twice.
- A greedy search (which is typically standard) will yield 1 match, from the first “<” to the last “>”.
- A lazy search (i.e., <.+?>) will tell it to repeat as few times as possible, which will stop the matching and yield 2 results.
Further Learning
freeCodeCamp made a high-quality 2-hour video that I nearly copied verbatim.