NOTE: Most of these work on non-Windows computers with the Function key.
Open Start/Applications menu: [Win] or CTRL+ESC
Lock the computer for security: [Win]+L
Open the Task Manager: CTRL+SHIFT+ESC
Open the security screen: CTRL+ALT+DEL
Open System Properties: [Win]+Pause/Break
Open File Explorer: [Win]+E
Open Windows Search: [Win]+Q
Open Run: [Win]+R
Open a hidden power-user menu: [Win]+X
Open Task View: [Win]+TAB
Zoom the entire screen: [Win]+[+] or [Windows]+[-]
Minimize all windows and show the desktop: [Windows]+D or [Windows]+M
Restore all the windows you just minimized: [Windows]+SHIFT+M
Make a new virtual desktop: [Win]+CTRL+D
Cycle between virtual desktops: [Win]+CTRL+Left/Right
Close your current desktop: [Win]+CTRL+F4
Switch windows: ALT+TAB or ALT+SHIFT+TAB
- Cycle through them by holding ALT and tapping TAB
Switch windows without a dialog: ALT+ESC or ALT+SHIFT+ESC
See all open programs: CTRL+ALT+TAB
Capture a screen for pasting into a document: Print Screen
Capture a screenshot: ALT+Print Screen
Run a program corresponding to the taskbar location: [Windows]+[#]
Enter a special character: ALT+[# on the number pad]
General Universals
Print: CTRL+P
Toggle the menu bar at the top of the screen: F10
Toggle full-screen: F11
Show the help file: F1
New window/document: CTRL+N or F2
Open a file inside the program: CTRL+O
Save the currently active file: CTRL+S
Specify where and how you want to save your file: CTRL+ALT+S or CTRL+SHIFT+S or F12
Close the program: ALT+F4 or CTRL+W
Find text in the active window: CTRL+F
Advance to the next text result: F3
Find and replace text: CTRL+H
Navigate to the address bar/search: CTRL+L
Zoom the view: CTRL+[+]/[-] or CTRL+[Mouse Wheel]
Restore the zoom to normal: CTRL+0
Refresh/reload the view: CTRL+R or F5
Maximize window or restore it to its original size: [Windows]+Up/Down
Move the window to the left/right of the screen: [Windows]+Left/Right
- Keep tapping to move across multiple screens
Move the window to the left or right screen: [Windows]+Shift+Left/Right
Move to the next or previous text box: TAB and SHIFT+TAB
Working With Text & Files
Undo what you just did: CTRL+Z
Redo something you just undid: CTRL+Y
Rename the selected file: F2
Select all text or files: CTRL+A
Cut selected text or file: CTRL+X
Copy selected text or file: CTRL+C
Paste what you cut or copied: CTRL+V
Insert a hyperlink: CTRL+K
Select multiple files or text without a mouse: SHIFT+[Arrow Keys]
Select entire words at a time instead of characters: CTRL+SHIFT+[Arrow Keys]
Select all text or items from the cursor to the beginning or end of the row: SHIFT+HOME/END
Select all text or items from the cursor to the beginning or end of the document/page: CTRL+SHIFT+HOME/END
Select an entire page above or below the cursor: SHIFT+PAGE UP/DOWN
Delete an entire word behind or in front of the cursor: CTRL+BACKSPACE/DELETE
Open the selected file or program: ENTER
Search for something: CTRL+F
Shortcut UX
Many keyboards come with special shortcut buttons, which can often be remapped with downloaded drivers.
An underlined letter in a menu selection is usually connected to a keyboard shortcut.